One of the reasons I started this blog was to meet more people who enjoy the same things as me. Well I've meet a few of you, but not many local  bloggers. So lets get together @ Gourmandise which is downtown SLC and have some lunch! 

There is no date set in stone but I was thinking Saturday May 12th.
(Time & date will be decided shortly)

If you are interested email me or leave a comment, I really would like to bring the blogging world together and meet some of the amazing talented ladies(or men) who join me in the Utah blogging community!


wily darling said...

count me in.

Dani said...

Depending on if I can find a sitter for the little dude, I should be there! Let us know! (When you get a date set in stone I'll share the image invite on our blog too!)

Nikki1156 said...

Excellent! I'm glad you are going to come!


Nikki1156 said...

Awesome! I am waiting for my work schedule to be posted but i'm pretty sure the 12th will be the day! Hope you can make it!
