Happy Cyber Monday!

If you haven't already bought everything for your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and who ever else you feel so kind to buy gifts for, today is the day! To help your wallet out a little bit me and 4 amazing bloggers are giving away $100 of Paypal cash! This giveaway will end next week and the winner will be announced along with next weeks brand new giveaway.

Good Luck and here are a few other Cyber Monday deals

6PM: 15% off with code 6PMCYBMON113020141535
ASOS: 30% off with code ILOVEMONDAYS
FOREVER21: 20% off with $60 or more using code CYBER20
FREE PEOPLE: An additional 25% off all sale items
PIPERLIME: 30% off site wide + 40% markdowns with code: CYBERSALE
REVOLVE20% off final sale with code CYBERMONDAY20

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hiked to the famous Delicate Arch, it was perfect
the actual hike wasn't too bad, a little bit of an elevation gain but nothing you couldn't handle
the feeling you get right as you reach the arch is surreal
you feel accomplished, accomplished that you reached one of utahs famous landmarks
not to mention it's beautiful and mysterious…how did it get made?
Delicate Arch = check

had to take a pic of the love birds
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Shirt-Khols (similar)
Cardigan-H&M (different color)
Shoes-Dolce Vita (similar)
Sunglasses-Raybans PS the only sunglasses I own :)

What up Suga Hood, when did you get this amazing wall?! Isn't it funny how as bloggers we obsess about buildings and their textured or colored walls? I swear I drive down the road and am like 
'ohhh that wall is amazing, lets add that to the list'
 I didn't find this wall, Aubry from Finding Beautiful Truth found this beauty. If you don't know if Aubrys blog, you better run over there and check it out. It's pretty amazing and always inspirational.
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